
Hebrews: Looking unto Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Expository Pulpit Series - Hebrews provides chapter-by-chapter alliterated commentary on the book of Hebrews that will help your preaching and teaching become more effective and memorable. The volumes in this series are written with the preacher in mind. The author of this series, Dr. Glen Spencer, has been an expository preacher for 31 years and currently serves as pastor of the Vernon...

misunderstood and misapplied verses in the Bible. Some teach that the writer has apostasy in mind. They believe that Paul is talking about the possibility of one falling away from Christ and going back to the old life and losing his salvation. There is a serious problem with such an interpretation. If this passage is teaching that one can lose his salvation, then it is also teaching that once he does it, it is impossible for him to be saved again. So what they are teaching is a “one strike and you’re
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